Perpendicular Bisectors

Welcome to our new unit about Special Lines and Points that show up in Triangles! Our first lesson is about perpendicular bisectors and circumcenters. Let's start by writing our first standard at the top of your notes for today. LT5.1 - I can use properties of perpendicular bisectors and circumcenters in triangles. First, let's make sure we all understand the actual definition of Perpendicular Bisectors. You can record it in the vocabulary section on the last page of your packet. Perpendicular Bisector - a line or segment that is perpendicular to a given segment and goes through its midpoint (cuts it in half). We have two theorems relating to perpendicular bisectors that we need to copy into our packets. Theorem 5.1: Perpendicular Bisector Theorem - If a point is on the perpendicular bisector of a segment, then it is equidistant from the endpoint of the segment. Theorem 5.2: Converse of Perpendicular Bisector Theorem - If a point is equidistant from the endpoints of a segment, then it is on the perpendicular bisector of the segment.