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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Longest Side Theorem Investigation

Do the following for EACH TRIAL of the investigation: • Vary one of the vertices’ (point) either B or C. Point A is fixed. • Record the values indicated in the table that are required for each column or trial • DO NOT CHANGE any other variables (points or lines, etc) or you will get invalid data.
Do the following for EACH TRIAL of the investigation: • Vary one of the vertices’ (point) either B or C. Point A is fixed. • Record the values indicated in the table that are required for each column or trial • DO NOT CHANGE any other variables (points or lines, etc) or you will get invalid data.
Do the following for EACH TRIAL of the investigation: • Vary one of the vertices’ (point) either B or C. Point A is fixed. • Record the values indicated in the table that are required for each column or trial • DO NOT CHANGE any other variables (points or lines, etc) or you will get invalid data.