Area between two curves.


Determining the area between two curves.

The graph shows the functions and . Click on the three boxes (one at a time) to show the areas calculated by each integral and the area between the curves. Notice that the limits of integration are the values of for which the curves intersect. Try to establish a method to calculate the area enclosed by two curves and answer to the questions below the graph.

Considering the previous graph answer:

a) What is the difference between the value of and ? b) What is the difference between the value of and ? c) Which of the integrals in question b) calculates correctly the area enclosed by the curves? d) Why is negative the value of the integral ? e) Is the integral in part d) useful to calculate the area enclosed by the curves? How could it be modified to calculate correctly the area enclosed by the curves?

For the following graphs, click on the options that correctly calculate the area anclosed by the curves.

Once you select your ansewrs click on the rest of the boxes to observe their values.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2