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Equilateral Triangle Construction


Construct an equilateral triangle by following the construction steps provided below.   Explore the construction by dragging the vertices.

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1.Toolbar ImageSelect the Segment tool. Click twice to create two points A and B, and a segment between them.  Label the points.
2.Toolbar Image Find the measure of segment AB.
3. Toolbar ImageActivate the Circle tool. Create a circle with the center A and through the point B. 
4.Toolbar ImageActivate the Circle tool. Create a circle with the center B and through the point A.
5.Toolbar ImageSelect the Point tool and create a point C at one of the two intersections of the circles.  Label the point C.
6.Toolbar ImageSelect the Segment tool and construct a segment between points A and C.  Find the measure of segment AC.
7.Toolbar Image Select the Segment tool and construct a segment between points B and C.  Find the measure of segment BC.