9 Circle Part 2: Chords

Part II Chords and Perpendicular Radii Questions 1-6

1. Use Toolbar Image (Circle with Center and Radius) to create a 4 unit radius circle with centre A. 2.  Use Toolbar Image (Segment between Two Points) to create a chord, BC. 3. Use Toolbar Image (Perpendicular Bisector) to bisect the chord, click on the two points of the chord. 4. Toolbar Image (New Point) Place a point, D, at the bisecting intersection. 5.  Use Toolbar Image (Distance or Length) to measure the length of the line segments created by the bisecting line (BD and CD).  Click on the two points to produce a measurement. 6. Repeat this experiment by drawing chord EF and repeating steps 3 to 5.

Part II Chords and Perpendicular Radii: Question 7

Repeat this experiment by drawing 2 more circles, one smaller and one larger and drawing 2 chords on each circle, and repeat steps 3 to 5.

Part II Chords and Perpendicular Radii: Question 8

What conclusion can you draw regarding the chord of a circle and the radius that is perpendicular to it?