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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Spiral Approximations

Two types of spirals here. One way to approximate a logarithmic spiral is with evenly space rays, having the almost curve turn at a right angle to each ray. (Here's a GeoGebra sketch of that idea: This sketch is a generalization of that idea, allowing any angle between rays instead of just divisors of 360 degrees. The other way is a generalization of the ancient construction of Theodorus, who made a spiral by adjacent right triangles, the first with legs 1x1. This has the wonderful property of the second triangle being root 2 by 1, and then root 3, root 4, etc. See Jennifer Silverman's sketch comparing it to an large artwork: This sketch generalizes it by allowing you to make the original triangle any proportions. Are the Theodorish Spirals approximations of log spirals? What do you think and why?