How to Edit Resources

Who is allowed to edit a resource?

When you share a resource with the Group, you may decide who is allowed to edit this resource. Note: Only the author(s) of a resource have the right to change the Editing permissions for this resource. If you are not the author of the resource you shared, you might consider creating a copy of the resource and sharing this copy with the Group instead of the original. 

The Resource Menu

On tab Resources all resources shared with the Group are collected in a list. On mouse-over, the corresponding resource highlights and depending on the type of resource you can get access to Edit Activity or Edit Book, to the  Editing permissions and further options by selecting them in theResource Menu. Edit Activity Use the Edit Activity button of theResource Menu in order to open the resource and to edit the Activity. Edit Book Use the Edit Book button of theResource Menu in order to open the resource and to edit the Book. Rename Use the Rename button of the Resource Menu to change the name of the resource. Editing permissions Use the Editing permissions button of theResource Menu in order to decide about who is allowed to edit the resource. Available options are... 
  • Authors only 
  • Authors and Group Owners
  • Authors, Group Owners, and Members
  Note: It is also possible to change the Editing permissions in the corresponding post.

Removing a resource

Only the Owner(s) of a Group, as well as the Member who shared the resource with the Group, may remove it from the Group. You can remove a resource in tab Posts by deleting the post or by selecting next to the resource when editing the corresponding post.