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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Geogebra #2

Q1: The name of the common endpoint I used to created an angle, or the vertex is called point A. Q2: Two possible names of the angle I made is angle BAC or angle CAB. Q3: The smallest angle that can be made by dragging points B and C is 1.49 degrees. The biggest angle that can be made by dragging points B and C is 356.1 degrees. Q4: When the angle's measure is close to 0 degrees the angle looks like the two rays may touch. Q5: When the angle's measure is close to 90 degrees the angle looks like a vertex of a square. Q6: When the angle's measure is close to 180 degrees the angle looks like a straight line. Q9:The largest angle measure would be about 359.9 degrees because the measurement would keep getting closer to 360 degrees until the measurement reached 360 degrees then it would start at about .001 degrees and start again. The angle would not reach 360 or 0 degrees because they would be the same point for the angle that the rotation restarted. Q10: No the length of the line segments do not affect how large the angle could be because the angle is measured from the length of the two segments in relationship to the vertex. The angle measure is based from the length from one line segment to another using the vertex as a place to start the measuring tool to determine the length of the string or the tool used in order to get consistent results for an angle measurement.