
My labels are E, F, G, H, I with 0 at the intersection instead of F, G, H, I, and J with E being the intersection. 7. How does the original figure compare with the second reflection image? It is rotated 180 degrees clockwise around the origin. 8. Will a single transformation map the original figure onto the second reflection image? Test your conjecture. A single transformation will map the original figure onto the second reflection image. A rotation of 180 degrees will do this, but a translation will not because the figure is rotated. You can see that when I translated the original point E to the third point E, the pentagons did not align. You can see, in a messy way, that when the original pentagon is rotated 180 degrees, it aligns with the second reflection. The original figure will not map onto the second reflection image through one reflection because it has to rotate. You can see this on the map. 9. What is the magnitude of the angle of rotation? 180 degrees 10. My angle E0E’’ (instead of FEF’’) is nearly 180 degrees. My nonobtuse angle is angle A0C not AEB. It is nearly 90 degrees (89.48). The first measure is double the second.