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Nigde Ak Medresse

Nigde is a small Turkish city with some tourist attractions including an archeology museum and the Alaaddin mosque with its beautiful muqarnas. This muqarnas has five layers and is based on the rule "back on curve". This worksheet is part of my geogebra book on Muqarnas. More information is available on my website Muqarnas/Nigde. Below, you can see the design of this muqarnas. Use the slider to investigate this muqarnas level by level in order to check which basic elements are involved. For design purposes, each element has been given a different color. Drag the slider to the right for a view in a shiny white color. You can create a muqarnas yourself in the GeoGebra book Muqarnas Tool. More information is available at Archnet/Nigde Ak Medresse