Experience in Math

Experience in Math:Experience in Math:
    What Experience will you remember most from this class? * The experience that I will remember most from this class is going through the struggle of learning how to do the Open Top Box" and trying to find the length and area of a perimeter and mostly the tests. What Concept do you feel you understand the best? Give an Example. *The concept that I understand was "Simplifying Radicals," I thought it was the best because "Rational numbers can be written as a fraction, with no square roots." What has been your biggest struggle in trying to be successful in Math? * My biggest struggle in trying to be successful in Math is probably the testing because its sometimes harder than you think or understand and it's just really complicated. What area of Mathematics are you still curious about? *I'm not sure what area of mathematics that I'm still curious about but if I knew it probably be "Complex Solutions."